Tuesday, April 8, 2008
1:53 PM
Li wants mediation
THE spat between badminton star Ronald Susilo and table tennis queen Li Jiawei could be settled without going to court.

On Sunday, it was reported in the Sunday Times that Susilo was considering legal action against his ex-fiancee Li after she allegedly ignored his attempts to contact her over the financial situation of the car and condominium purchased when they were a couple. It provoked an angry outburst from Li, who accused Susilo of trying to wreck her preparations for August's Olympic Games.

But speaking at her lawyer's office in Chinatown Point last night, Li is now prepared to resolve the matter amicably.

Reading from a statement, she said: "I had never expected that a private matter such as a personal relationship between two people would be splashed all over the nation's newspapers.

"… In view of the upcoming Olympics and so as not to adversely affect both our preparations and training, my lawyers have advised (me) and I'm prepared to have a mutually agreed third party mediate in our disagreement in private and in-confidence."

She added: "In the event that my offer of mediation is not taken up and legal action is resorted to and unreasonable demands are made, I will contest the suit vigorously and let the truth decide who has been right and wrong."

Li, 26, revealed she had one or two persons in mind as mediator, but it would be subject to Susilo's approval.

When contacted last night, Susilo indicated he is agreeable to mediation. He said: "I welcome and accept her idea of mediation and an out-of-court settlement to amicably resolve the issue, but she has to make the first move and call me.

"I find it very odd that such a private matter has to be conveyed through the media. Why can't she contact me in private?"

Both Susilo and Li have qualified for the Olympics and are in the final stages of their preparations. When asked if she would still consider meeting Susilo to resolve the matter without a mediator, Li said: "It's unlikely. I prefer mediation."

The pair became an item at the 2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games and Susilo proposed to Li in August 2004. That year, they bought a car — an $80,000 Honda Civic — and an apartment in Kembangan worth more than $600,000.

Li reportedly paid a six-figure deposit for the apartment, with the rest covered by a bank loan. The car was registered in her name even though she does not drive.

When they split up in January, both agreed to split the money they got from the sale of the car, now worth about $40,000. Susilo, 28, is also believed to be claiming between $50,000 to $100,000 for renovation costs on the apartment.

Addressing the weekend reports, Li said: "I wish to set the record straight without going into personal details. Ronald knows the reason which triggered the break-up. As for the car and condominium, my views differ greatly from that as reported in the Sunday Times. These two items have been highlighted out of the context of the wider relationship as a whole.

"We both know full well who has been generous with regard to money issues and gifts, and to why the car and condominium apartment were purchased in my name alone, especially since I don't drive."

(Source: Todayonline)

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